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Connecting the dots and Steve Jobs' Stanford Commencement Speech?

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Minjun was admitted to Indiana University through early admissions and finished his interview at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He also started designing English websites.
  • Minjun established his own investment company, created his own homepage, and Babe tried creating his own homepage using Wix.
  • Babe encourages Minjun's proactive actions as of May 30, 2024, emphasizing that there are no useless experiences. He says that every experience is connected to future success.

The daring 17-year-old Minjun is

admitted to Indiana University, the top 7 in the United States in the business field.

through early admission,

Regular admissions will begin next month.

Once again, I have interesting news to share.

Hello, Babe. I hope you have a great New Year.

I'm writing to you today to share some good news and ask you a few questions.

I received an interview invitation from the Wharton School of Pennsylvania, which I want to go to the most, and I had an interview on Zoom last week.

These days, most American universities require graduates to interview

and submit a report to the admissions officer,

The graduate who interviewed me said that he had never met an applicant like me

and that he would write a report as favorably as possible.

We talked about economics and investment, and I think the all-night debates in Gapyeong were effective lol

And I started designing an English website, so I'd like your feedback.

And now that I have a lot of free time, I want to focus more on blogging.

I want to study the revenue-generating blog that you're researching.

If you have any articles or YouTube videos that I can apply to my website format

Please share them!

That's amazing, right?


Whose child is he, lol?



The impressive side of Minjun that Babe sees

may be different from what you think.

It was about building an English website.

He already set up his personal homepage

and started personal branding.


I strongly support him.

I went to the homepage Minjun made.

He already established a DNA investment company lol

It's not officially registered, but

He already

introduces himself as the founder and CEO.


I have to get in on the equity investment.

Equity investment is always

overwhelmingly cheap at the seed stage.

You can see this in the case of Elon Musk's Tesla.

I feel like I'm late to the game,

so I spent an hour

trying to create a personal homepage on Wix, where Minjun created his.

The AI technology is shining, as expected.

I built the website step by step through dialogue.

It's all done in a snap.

In the end, coding companies and design companies will all disappear.

To connect a domain,

it prompted me to subscribe for a paid membership.

I decided to create it for free and test it out.

(I'm already running a paid blog on WordPress)

After messing around for an hour,

a pretty decent website was built

and a personal blog

and a product introduction portfolio page were created.

I posted my first post on the blog.

I went ahead and built a mobile version.

Websites always

have three versions: PC, tablet, and mobile phone.

We need to keep all three in mind,


we should focus most on the mobile version, which is where 80% of users are active.


I don't know what role my hour will play in the future.

at this moment.



Looking back,

even if it's a reckless moment,

it's somehow connected to success.

After dropping out of college,

I had nothing to do, so I audited calligraphy classes.

That led to the birth of the Apple phone, which was the first to introduce beautiful fonts to the machine.

Even Steve Jobs wouldn't have known that back then.

Meaning there's no useless experience.

Whether it's a successful experience

or a failed one,

all experiences are dots that somehow connect to future success.

And that those dots are organically connected is

the famous Stanford University commencement address by Steve Jobs.

In the Entivi Challenge,

you can see Skyla's Steve Jobs speech challenge.

( was natural~~!!)

There's nothing more foolish than expecting your life to change while doing nothing.

There are no useless experiences.

Whether it's a successful experience

or a failed one,

Only inexperience is useless!

Even now, the daring 17-year-old Minjun is

taking another step toward establishing his own investment company.


complained why there was no advanced English vocabulary course,


that comment led Babe to create the SAT Vocabulary Challenge.

Now, he's the prince of the Entivi Challenge's English Book Reading program.

He's making good use of his marketing master's thesis knowledge

and his 21-year career as a senior marketer.

He opened an Instagram account and started working,

and I never dreamed he'd become a writer and TED speaker

and dream of a half-retired life.

Even those who have lived for half a century are still fiddling around.

And 17-year-old saplings are still fiddling around.

Only those who prepared for today, different from yesterday,

will have tomorrow, different from today.


it's your turn.

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